Akshay Joshi is a Senior AI Research Scientist - Google, ETH Zurich, AMD, DFKI, Saarland University Image credit: Unsplash

Display Jupyter Notebooks

This page is reserved to publish Jupyter Notebooks in the future.

from IPython.core.display import Image


print("Welcome to Akshay Joshi's Website!")
Welcome to Akshay Joshi's Website!

Install Python and Jupyter

Install Anaconda which includes Python 3 and Jupyter notebook.

Otherwise, for advanced users, install Jupyter notebook with pip3 install jupyter.

Create a new blog post

Run the following commands in Terminal, substituting <MY_WEBSITE_FOLDER> and my-post with the file path to the website folder and a name for the blog post (without spaces), respectively:

hugo new  --kind post post/my-post
cd <MY_WEBSITE_FOLDER>/content/post/my-post/

Create or upload a Jupyter notebook

Run the following command to start Jupyter within the new blog post folder. Then create a new Jupyter notebook (New > Python Notebook) or upload a notebook.

jupyter notebook

Convert notebook to Markdown

jupyter nbconvert Untitled.ipynb --to markdown --NbConvertApp.output_files_dir=.

# Copy the contents of Untitled.md and append it to index.md:
cat Untitled.md | tee -a index.md

# Remove the temporary file:
rm Untitled.md

Edit the post metadata

Open index.md in the text editor and edit the title etc. in the front matter according to your preference.

To set a featured image, place an image named featured into the post’s folder.

This page also supports Math & LaTeX code.

Akshay Joshi
Senior AI Research Scientist