Akshay Joshi is a Senior AI Research Scientist - Google, ETH Zurich, AMD, DFKI, Saarland University Image credit: MZ Web

COVID-19 Tweets Sentiment & Exploratory Data Analysis

The project is currently in progress, code & report are not complete yet


The COVID-19 Tweets dataset hosted on Kaggle has 92,276 unique tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each tweet containes the high-frequency hashtag (#covid19) and are scrapped using Twitter API. The dataset does not contain sentiment labels corresponding to each tweet. Thus, supervised learning (ML/DL) methods cannot be used directly for training on the dataset.

The following tasks are implemented in this project:

  1. Perform Exploratory Data Analysis
    • Pre-processing the tweets to perform Normalization, Stop Word Removal, Stemming & Lammetization
    • Plot a wordcloud of most frequent words used in tweets (location-wise).
    • Plot geographical distribution of tweets.
    • Plot frequency of tweets/user and so on.
  1. Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis using Density-based Spatial Clustering methods. [In Progress]
    • Projecting the tweets into vector space using pre-trained Word2Vec model.
    • Apply Linear & Manifold Dimentionality Reduction techniques to reduce the predictors from 13 to perhaps 2.
    • Perform DBSCAN clustering to cluster the un-labelled tweets into 4 categories: happy, sad, angry, neutral
  1. Explore Transfer Learning with XGBoost (Machine Learning) [In Progress]
    • Train gradient boosted decision trees on a similar but labelled dataset.
    • Use the trained model for inference on our task’s dataset.
  1. Explore Transfer Learning with Self-Attention Networks (Deep Learning) [In Progress]
    • Build dataloader to process & consume the dataset into train/test/validation.
    • Train self-attention based transformer network using PyTorch.
    • Use the trained model for inference on our task’s dataset.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install Python & PIP.
  3. Install project dependencies: “pip install -r requirements.txt”
  4. Perform Exploratory Data Analysis: “python analysis.py”
Akshay Joshi
Senior AI Research Scientist